Sandstone remains today as one of the most crucial choices for landscape building, as it adds natural beauty and is built to last. Constructing a sturdy foundation requires precision and skill, however, as you need to make sure each block and fits. They can be used to build retaining walls, ensuring that your property remains beautifully designed.
To learn more about building retaining walls and types of sandstone to use, here is a quick guide for you.
Sandstone Logs
If you wish to build a retaining wall block, sandstone logs may be the best choice for you. They are more refined than other sandstone materials, used to create straight walls to enclose your property. They still remain natural and rugged, however, allowing you to keep a unique architecturally-designed space. The best thing about sandstone logs is that they can be blended with other natural stones, which can give off a modern and equally stylish look. They also come in various grades, but the best ones on the market are offered by Maroota Sandstone Quarry, and are as follows:
Diamond Sawn Sandstone logs (1000x300x300mm):

These are also referred to as Bambino Logs. You can purchase them in either hand-split or diamond finish.
Quarry logs (1000x500x500mm and 2000x500x500mm):

These are the more rustic-looking logs, available in both A and B Grades. If you want a more refined look, A Grade is offered in a more square cut. B Grade, on the other hand, is more rustic.
Sandstone ballast

Building a retaining wall can also be done through the sandstone ballast stones, but these are cut in rough blocks. They are best suited for structured garden beds and retaining walls, even serving as suitable borders and fences. To ensure that they remain in place, they need to be cemented to work structures, which can be reminiscent of puzzle pieces.
The end products are usually stable and highly durable making it a perfect choice for your garden landscapes Once the blocks have been added, a sandstone capping can be added. Maroota Sandstone Quarry also offers some of the best on the market, which can be found.
90mm Sandstone

The Bottom Line
A retaining wall is a special kind of wall, as it needs to be able to support itself and actively take on pressures from materials behind it. To ensure that you’re building it right, you need to choose high-quality stones.
Sandstones are the perfect choice for the job, especially since they are imbued with properties that can resist pressures behind the wall. Planning carefully is also key, especially if you’re building multi-tiered retaining walls. Make sure to plan out how each sandstone will stack on top of the other, to ensure that it remains strong and sturdy.
Finally, your choice of sandstone must tie in with the landscape design and your home—be it rustic or sleek, the final decision is yours! If you’re on the hunt for the best suppliers of sandstone in Sydney, Maroota Sandstone Quarry is the place to go. We make sure that our clients only get the best of the best, ensuring that all your projects result in success. Offering world-renowned Australian sandstone, we may just be what your home needs. Get a free quote today!